Gay bar sex scene

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One of Amsterdam's most famous gay bars, Cockring, located at Warmoesstraat 96 on the edge of the infamous Red Light District, offers live strip and sex shows Thursday to Sunday. While gay visitors to Amsterdam don't need to limit their visit to establishments flying the rainbow flag in order to receive a warm welcome, there are a number of popular spots in the gay Amsterdam scene that deserve a special mention. Other annual gay events include the Leather Pride, Europe's biggest annual leather, rubber and fetish event, held each November in Amsterdam, and Roze Zaterdag (Pink Saturday) on the last Saturday of June, each year in a different Dutch city. Check out the official Amsterdam Gay Pride website at for more specific details. Venues and clubs change from year to year but are mostly in the heart of gay Amsterdam, based around Kerkstraat and Warmoesstraat. The fun doesn't stop after the parade however, outdoor street parties and gay dance parties in the clubs mean those feeling the swell of Pride can party all night.

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On the first weekend of August, Amsterdam becomes a lot more glamorous as the city's gay population takes to the streets to party and watch the unique floating parade that winds its way through Amsterdam's iconic canals. The biggest event in gay Amsterdam's calendar is, of course, the Gay Pride celebrations.

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